SNP Method: The Complete Guide to Penis Enlargement is the first and only scientifically based book that explains how you can obtain penis enlargement naturally or chemically.
Containing information from more than three hundred studies, this guide has been formulated for all men who want to increase the length and/or girth of their penis in a completely natural way, without the need of extenders, pumps, manual stretching, jelqing, warm-ups with hot air, water, or more invasive methods like surgery. This guide also delves deep into the logic of chemical penis enlargement explaining the role of hormones and other less known biochemicals involved in penis growth.
The SNP Method, developed to be the most advanced method for penis enlargement in existence today, is aimed at regaining the hormonal conditions of puberty, when jelqing and stretching were not necessary to induce penis growth. Penis tissues are unique and share a special commonality with your nose, ears, guts and vocal cords, having the ability to continue growing beyond adolescence and into adult life thanks to specific hormones.
The truth is that you need specific neurotransmitters and hormones for the penis to be able to grow again
The SUPREME NATURAL PUMP method (SNP method) involves strengthening one's nervous system by increasing all of the neurotransmitters involved in producing an erection (penis enlargement, in fact, starts in your brain), resulting in the optimization of hormonal potential and sensitization of the most important hormonal receptor involved in penis growth.
The SNP method is focused mostly around the natural stimulation of DHT and IGF-1 penis receptors.[1][2]
DHT and IGF-1 are 2 of the 7 main hormones discovered to be involved in penis development. As these and other hormones are increased through nervous and hormonal stimulation, the body will return to a state that mirrors its conditions during puberty. You will then be able to restart your penis growth and obtain the best results through penis exercises.
This guide examines the causes of micropenis and, using empirical research results and anecdotal evidence, explains how growth is possible through natural means and/or through hormonal treatment.
Straightening curved penis or damaged penis
The guide includes a section in which you will learn how to straighten a curved penis or repair damage caused by incorrectly practicing penis enlargement methods or by fibrotic, calcified plaques, like in Peyronie disease.
Overcoming penis enlargement plateaus
A portion of this book is mainly directed at those who have already obtained results with penis enlargement methods like stretching or jelqing but have reached a plateau in their progress. Penis exercises can be utilized to achieve growth, but they are only a single factor and are not the "be-all and end-all" of penis enlargement. The most important factors involved in increasing penis size are those played by biochemicals, that is, neurotransmitters and hormones.
Available evidence indicates that in the last 50–60 years, the genetic expression potential of many men has been altered or inhibited by endocrine disruptors (ECDs), also known as xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are basically chemical estrogens that behave in our body just like estrogens (the female hormones), but also as anti-androgens (block the production or the action of male hormones). These chemical estrogens are very often found in pesticides, plastics (bisphenol A), fertilizers, cosmetics, body care products and also in some foods, herbs and supplements. Severe exposure to these substances has, in many cases, prevented full masculinization of new male generations (body and brain included) by altering the full expression of the Y chromosome.
In multiple studies, these foreign environmental hormones have been shown to be able to either bind to the masculinizing DHT hormone receptors of the penis and/or to downregulate its production through different mechanisms. These conditions have resulted in genetic alteration and inhibition of the potent masculinizing action of DHT on genitals, simply put, they have prevented the penis from growing to its full potential.[3][4][5]
Here's where the SNP method comes into play: the method aims at stimulating these dormant hormonal receptors again.
Through sufficient masculinizing hormones stimulation and through the stimulation of other hormones involved in penis growth and development, it is possible to regain the natural growth of the cylinders (corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum), the Tunica Albuginea, the arteries and the nerves and veins that constitute the penis for a mean growth of 0.5–1 inch in length and 0.5–1 inch in girth a year.
This manual covers all you really need to know about penis enlargement
biochemical mechanisms that allow for natural and chemical growth of the penis tissue, and the intricacies of manual exercises. This is something you will not find anywhere on the internet, as the information provided comes from my personal research and experiences and those of other people I have followed over the years.
Using my 15 years of experience and research in natural and chemical penis enlargement, I will guide you through effective methods of penis enlargement as I shed light on many of the half-truths and misconceptions that surround this topic allowing you to reach your full penis potential faster than you ever thought possible.
Other issues described in the book are:
How to fully restore erectile function.
Hormones and other biological substances the penis needs to be able to grow again.
The most important hormones for penis enlargement.
The most important nutritional aspects of penis enlargement.
The 11 steps you must take to be successful with penis enlargement.
Easy to follow nutritional programs to jump-start your penis gains
How to increase penis girth.
How to increase penis length.
The correct selection and use of penis manual exercises (illustrated).
The correct way to use pubococcygeal (PC) exercises.
Breathing exercises that increase blood flow and volume to the penis (illustrated)
Effective methods for delaying ejaculation.
The damage that pornography can cause to penis growth, sexual performance, and everyday life.
How to increase your testosterone levels without the need for special foods or supplements.
The right hormonal range (from bloodwork) necessary to restart penis growth.
How to increase ejaculation volume.
Sexual life and women.
Psychological causes of premature ejaculation and how to solve them.
Psychological causes of impotence and how to solve them.
Confidence and how you can improve it.
The optimal ejaculation frequency that allows you not to lose your hormonal potential.
The influence and importance of physical exercise on genital development.
Underwear and penis enlargement.
Bodybuilding and Penis Enlargement.
Anabolic steroids (AS) and anabolic-androgen steroids (AAS) and penis enlargement.
Can phytoestrogen-rich foods like soy and flaxseed shrink your penis?
Healing from penis injuries.
Biological causes of erectile dysfunction and how to solve them.
How to heal and protect your prostate.
Surgeries, herniated disks, and sexual dysfunction and how to solve them.
And much more.
If you have already read books on penis enlargement but you remained unsatisfied and you are still looking for something more, something deeper and richer, then you must read the book SNP Method 2.0: The Complete Guide to Penis Enlargement and its companion Nutrition Foods, Superfoods, Herbs, and Supplements for Penis Enlargement. They are the best gift you can give to yourself and your woman.
These books will clear up many misconceptions found in other famous penis enlargement books, especially those about DHT precursors and the concerns regarding DHT and hair loss or prostate issues. They will give you a clear and in-depth understanding of the process of penis enlargement, and they will save you the hassle and years of effort it took to make a system anybody can use.
I am confident that my work will be able to satisfy both common people and intellectuals or the scientifically oriented, the last of whom, I know, generally tend to be the most skeptical on this subject, just as I was. This is because my books were designed to be the most professional, complete, and educational ever written on the subject, and were created to help anyone achieve their goals.
On a personal note, I believe these are books every man and teenager in the world should have, read, and consult. They are books every loving father should give his son when he is reaching puberty. They will give him the best approach to sexual life and teach him how to use this precious and much-cared-for organ, granting him the happy, confident, and fulfilling sex life he deserves.
I wish you the best of gains!
By Michael J. Maverick
Author and Founder of the SNP Method
[1] Laron Z, Mimouni F, Pertzelan A. Effect of human growth hormone therapy on penile and testicular size in boys with isolated growth hormone deficiency: first year of treatment. Isr J Med Sci. 1983 Apr;19(4):338-44.
[2] Sinnecker GH, Hiort O, et al. Phenotypic classification of male pseudohermaphroditism due to steroid 5 alpha-reductase 2 deficiency. Am J Med Genet. 1996 May 3;63(1):223-30.
[3] C L Acerini and I. A. Hughes. Endocrine disrupting chemicals: a new and emerging public health problem? Arch Dis Child. 2006
[4] Habert R1, Delbes G, Duquenne C, et al. [Effects of estrogens on the development of the testis during fetal and neonatal life]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2006
[5] Gaspari L, Paris F, Jandel C, et al. Prenatal environmental risk factors for genital malformations in a population of 1442 French male newborns: a nested case-control study. Hum Reprod. 2011
The World's Most Complete Guide on Natural and Chemical Penis Enlargement

"Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the most important androgen hormone involved in penis growth".

"Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) is the most potent growth factor hormone involved in penis growth".

"By stimulating and balancing the hormones responsible for penis growth, a process carefully described in detail in The Complete Guide to Penis Enlargement, it is possible to naturally grow the corpora cavernosa, the arteries, the Tunica Albuginea and the nerves and veins that make up the penis. Real growth on average of 0.5-1 inches in length and 0.5-1 inches in circumference per year can be obtained. Claims of growth greater than this, due to the slow nature of penile cell division and multiplication (cytokinesis and hyperplasia), would only be a lie."

"In a study, researchers showed that women prefer penises usually larger than average."
Prause et al. Women's Preferences for Penis Size: A New Research Method Using Selection among 3D Models. PLoS One. 2015
"A study on a woman's preference for penis size has shown that women who prefer deeper penile-vaginal stimulation are more likely to have vaginal orgasms and therefore prefer a longer than average penis."
Costa et al. Women who prefer longer penises are more likely to have vaginal orgasms (but not clitoral orgasms): implications for an evolutionary theory of vaginal orgasm. J Sex Med. 2012

Authentic Graph on ideal penis sizes from a survey taken on women's preferences.
Credit for this illustration is attributed to PenisSizeDebate.com

What science says about hormones and penis growth in adults:
"In the two older boys and the adult patient, there was a progressive rise in luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and testosterone. Concomitantly, there was an increase in size of the testes and penile length.”
This report shows for the first time a direct effect of IGF-I on sex hormones and sex organs in the male."
Z. Laron and B. Klinger, “Effect of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Treatment on Serum Androgens and Testicular and Penile Size in Males with Laron Syndrome (Primary Growth Hormone Resistance),” European Journal of Endocrinology 138 (1998):176–180.

Japanese Penis monument inspirational

A Greek terracotta figure of Priapus, Hellenistic period, circa late 4th-3rd century

Contemporary penis art Inspirational

Wooden Penis Inspirational

"Rediscover penis growth like during puberty with the SNP Method 2.0 - the most advanced and comprehensive penis enlargement method in existence today".

The Greatest Benefits of the SNP Method:
✔️ Bigger and Thicker Erections
✔️ Longer Lasting Sex
✔️ Increased Ejaculation Volume
✔️ More Satisfying Sex
✔️ Permanent Increases in Penis Size
✔️ Increased Energy
✔️ Increased Stamina
✔️ Increased Mental Focus
✔️ Increased Wellbeing
✔️ Increased Testosterone levels
✔️ Increased Muscle Mass
✔️ Stronger Muscles
✔️ Easier to Build Muscles
✔️ Easier to Attract Women
✔️ Improved Sleep
✔️ Feeling and Looking Younger
✔️ Improved Mood/Elevated Mood
✔️ Stronger Immune System
✔️ And more