The World's Most Complete Guide to Nutrition for Penis Enlargement
CASA DEI VETTII in POMPEII, ITALY - MAY 26: Ancient Roman fresco of the Roman god of fertility, vegetables, nature, livestock, fruit, beekeeping, sex, genitals, masculinity, and gardens and lust Priapus. Depicted weighing his enormous erect penis against a bag of gold. Unlike the Greeks, Ancient Romans admired the large penis of Priapus, although they had a sense of humor about it.
A Greek terracotta figure of Priapus
Hellenistic period, Circa late 4th-3rd Century B.C.
Nutrition for Penis Enlargement
(Foods, Superfoods, Herbs, Roots, Supplements and More)
Did you know that there are foods that can increase your penis size, and that there are other foods that can reduce your penis size and halt or even reverse your progress with penis enlargement methods?
Did you know that there are superfoods, herbs, roots, and supplements that can do the same?
With 14 years of experience with foods, superfoods, herbs, roots, and supplements, Michael J. Maverick, author of The SNP Method: The Complete Guide to Penis Enlargement, with the help of Marco De Munari, who has a master’s degree in pharmaceutical science, has been able to compile a full list of what can help you increase or balance all the hormones associated with penis growth (as illustrated in The Complete Guide to Penis Enlargement 2018) in order to grant you superior gains with penis enlargement.
He has done this after years and years of experiments, and he supports his claims with accurate scientific and anecdotal evidence.
The right food and supplement choices are an often neglected or not sufficiently taken care of as part of penis enlargement, but they are a fundamental factor if you want to sustain and/or speed up your genital growth through adolescence and enlarge your penis in adulthood.
In this book, the author will tell you exactly what, in his 14 years of experience, he has found really works for penis enlargement and what does not. The information will finally bring order to the confusion that, for so many years, has surrounded the topic of nutrition in penis enlargement.
This monumental work took more than three years to put together, and the author is excited to now finally present it to the world.
In this book, you will also find:
How to improve your digestion and obtain maximum nutritional absorption from food to keep your body and hormonal system well nourished (the importance of optimal digestion in penis enlargement, like with muscle gain, is something people often neglect, but you will find it is of capital importance).
What are the most important Vitamins and Minerals for penis enlargement.
Which foods you should regularly eat to sustain and maximize penis enlargement.
Which superfoods you should regularly eat to sustain and maximize penis enlargement.
Which herbs, roots, and supplements you should take to sustain and maximize penis enlargement.
Which natural foods, superfoods, herbs, roots, and supplements you should stay away from if you don’t want to stop or hinder penis enlargement.
Which chemicals and other natural substances found in the environment can block or hinder penis enlargement and how you can steer clear of them.
Which chemicals and other substances found in your house that you may be commonly using that can block or hinder penis enlargement.
Steroids, GH, IGF-1, and penis enlargement.
Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra and penis enlargement.
Prescription medications and penis enlargement.
Common antidepressants and penis enlargement.
Which are the best foods for penis enlargement.
Easy-to-follow diet and supplementation program to jumpstart your penis gains.
And more.
This book is the first one of its kind, and the author is confident that it will help you change your life for the better, not only by granting you superior penis enlargement success but also improving your mental, physical, and sexual condition.